How To Play Skye On Split In Valorant

how to play on split in Valorant

Skye used to be quite an overpowered Initiator back in the early days of Valorant. She has her uses now and fits nicely in the meta but isn’t used as frequently as other Initiators like Gekko or Kayo. Split is one of those maps where she is quite useful if played well. This guide will show you how to play Skye on Split in Valorant.

The priority as a Skye player is to help set up your team for site entries and gather information using your abilities on the enemies whereabouts.

How To Play Skye On Split In Valorant

(Image via Riot Games)

Split is a two bomb-site map. The approach is quite simple for Skye players, clear out the initial angles with your Trailblazer ability and help your team enter site with your flashes. However, Skye is much more effective if paired with another Initiator on this map, a Fade or Gekko in this case. The composition will differ from region from region as APAC plays a more aggressive composition than NA or EMEA.

Professional players at the highest levels have a more laid back approach as they hang back and let the team enter for them. Their only job is to use their flashes to confirm the presence of enemies and to distract them. Your approach towards both attack and defensive sides would be different, but the goal would be the same, help your team. Let’s look at attack first.

How To Play Skye On Split (Attack Side)

A Site

(Image via Riot Games)

Attack side can be a lot more difficult than defense because there is a lot more team communication required for site executes. For the A bomb site, your job starts at A Lobby which is where you will use the Trailblazer to clear close angles and see for any enemy aggression. If the enemy is pushing you, fall back and help your team fight them off. Once you take control of the lobby and A Main, your job is to help your team take control of Heaven.

(Image via Riot Games)

Here’s where your flashes will be used to clear Heaven and all of the angles associated with it. Communicate with your Duelists and flash for them when they take control of Heaven. Be careful of Vents. Once you do, you have multiple options, the obvious one is to go to A Site and plant but you can also do a fake or an actual rotation to B site. Once you plant the bomb, you are free to take a passive position where you can trade off your teammates should they die. Feel free to use your remaining flashes for delay and assists.

B Site

(Image via Riot Games)

The B site is a little bit difficult but if coordinated properly, the take can be easy. Your approach with Skye starts with the box in main, jump on it and use your Trailblazer and clear out B main and check for any defense aggression. Watch out for any Operators. Once you do, take your position near the B main entry point and use your flashes and co-ordinate with your Duelists. Try to garner information for Heaven and the B site. That is where the majority of players will be playing.

Flash Spot for B Main (Image via Riot Games)

Smoking off Heaven is an important part of this site execute so ensure that you communicate that with your Controllers.

How To Play Skye On Split (Defense Side)

(Image via Riot Games)

The defense side can be much easier if you have a communicative team with Duelists that take the necessary aggression. In terms of that, when they are trying to get aggressive, your job is to help them take that space. If you always have control of A Main and B Main, you can dictate the pace of the game force your team to rotate on the bombsite which you can stack with 3 or more players. Of course, in theory, this is easy but in practice it will be quite difficult.

(Image via Riot Games)

Most of the time, as Skye you must play with your team rather than going on solo-adventures. Although, if the plan is to play passively and hold for aggression than a great thing to do with Skye is hold Middle. You can use your Trailblazer and flashes for information and other teammates can peek off you from the Heaven angles. Your healing is quite important in all of these executes so ensure that you heal your surviving Duelists.

(Image via Riot Games)

Your job as Skye on the defense side is to gather information on where the enemy might execute, try to stop it or deflate their numbers and get out safely. Another job is to help setup your Duelists for picks and your team for retakes. Watch professional Skye players in VCT and see how they execute and use their utility to set up their team for success.

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